Kaylee Kruise
Kaylee was a sweet and caring young lady who was famous for her amazing smile. At 8 years old she was diagnosed with medulloblastoma (Brain cancer) on May 8, 2018. Kaylee underwent surgery, 30 radiation treatments and 4 rounds of chemo at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

After treatment, Kaylee started dancing at Altoona Dance Theatre, where she got to live her dream to dance. When Kaylee’s mom Melissa pulled into the dance parking lot Kaylee told her mom, “I can’t believe my dreams are coming true.” Kaylee had such a love for life and a natural dance talent. Kaylee also had amazing friends that supported her through her journey.

Kaylee enjoyed being cancer free for a year but via a routine scan we learned her cancer was back. Kaylee’s care was then moved to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She then endured 3 rounds of intense chemo where she spent many many nights in the hospital. On July 8th, Kaylee received a stem cell transplant. The follow up scans were stable.

In December 2020, Kaylee had her three month scan and it was learned that the cancer was back in her brain. A week later she had a horrible seizure that landed her intubated in the ICU. However, in Kaylee fashion she bounced back. Kaylee was able to enjoy her 11th birthday on December 23rd and Christmas at home.

In January 2021, Kaylee was hospitalized after getting an ommaya reservoir placed for fluid build up. Scans then showed the cancer was progressing quickly. Doctors were worried that no treatment options would stop the cancer since it was progressing so quickly. Kaylee wanted to keep fighting. Kaylee also had to have a shunt placed to help the spinal fluid not to build up in her brain. Kaylee then began chemo treatments via the ommaya. Kaylee’s health quickly deteriorated after that and an emergency scan in late January showed the cancer was taking over her cerebellum and she was sent home on hospice.

Kaylee won her battle with medulloblastoma on February 12, 2021. She was at home surrounded by those who loved her. During her short time on earth, she inspired so many and will never be forgotten. She had a smile that made others smile and she fought to the very last breath.

BMF CARES Spotlight families may suggest an organization or individual researcher to whom they’d like the BMF to send a $1000 donation in honor of their child for the purpose of research or support to children with cancer and their families. Kaylee’s mom requested that $500 be sent to the radiation department at Pittsburgh’s Children Hospital and that the other $500 remain with the Brian Morden Foundation.

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